After completing the
first AP English Literature multiple choice test at the beginning of the school
year, and receiving the graded scan-tron shortly afterwards, my first
realization was that it was covered in little splashes of pink. These magenta
slashes mocked me--indicating incorrect answers-- which in turn led to the
creation of my goal for the semester: to improve my multiple choice score. Although
we did not complete many other multiple choice practice tests through out the
semester, I definitely feel as though I still improved these skills.
At the beginning of the semester, I had little knowledge of
poetry forms as well as identifying tone shifts and effects literary devices
had on tone. This is one of the reasons I didn't perform very well on the first
multiple choice test of the semester (not to mention the time restriction).
However, after reviewing and learning different poetry forms through group
poetry presentations as well as practicing identifying tone shifts and writing
essays in which we identified effects of literary devices on tone, I feel more
comfortable taking multiple choice tests on poetry. Specifically on the last
multiple choice test we took, I didn't run out of time so I was able to put an
answer for every question, unlike the test from the beginning of the
As we move into the second semester, a goal I have for
myself would be to continue practicing identifying the complexities that lie
within pieces of literature, as that is something I sometimes struggle with.
For example, on the last practice AP exam we completed, I came up with a thesis
statement that touched on the fact a complex attitude existed in the poem at
hand, however, I didn't really elaborate on the complexity as I felt it was
kind of confusing to identify. Looking back on what we did this semester though,
I think the group poetry presentations were very helpful in exposing us to the
different poetry forms by allowing us to include creativity in the final
product, such as the music video presentation. I also feel as though I did well
identifying Mise en Scene elements and comparing/contrasting the novel and film
versions of Angela's Ashes and identifying symbolism in my
Summer reading novel. I look forward to next semester!